Root CanalWhen most people hear the word ‘root canal’, they automatically cringe.  Visions of painful dental procedures that should be avoided like the plague are conjured up in many a mind when talk turns to this common dental procedure.  If you’re like many people, you probably have been wondering if there is any way to prevent the need for a root canal so you never have to be the one sitting in the chair, bracing yourself for what you expect will be an unpleasant office visit.

There is no way to absolutely ensure that you’ll never have a root canal procedure throughout your life, but by sticking to many of the recommendations for maintaining good oral health, you increase your chances that you won’t have to endure the procedure.

To start with, it’s best to first fully understand what is root canal procedure.  This procedure is used to treat a tooth that becomes infected, usually due to a great deal of decay that is left untreated.  During the procedure, the nerve and the pulp of the tooth are removed from the root canal and then the area is cleaned out and sealed. This is done to prevent further infection or the possibility of an abscess.

The reason that the nerve and pulp in the canal needs to be removed during this procedure is that if the tissue or pulp in this area becomes decayed or damaged, it starts to break down.  When this break down occurs, bacteria begin to multiply and an infection can occur.  If left untreated, this infection can get worse and can spread, eventually resulting in an abscess, which is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of the tooth’s root.

Aside from the fact that an infection or abscess can be very painful, it can also be dangerous.  An untreated infection can continue to spread, impacting both oral and overall health.  Bone loss can begin to occur, and sensitivity, swelling and pain are usually apparent.

The best way to prevent the need for a root canal is to be vigilant in your oral hygiene and dental care routine.  Maintain a regimen of daily brushing and flossing and visit the dentist regular for preventative visits and professional cleaning by a trained dental hygienist.  Even by doing all the “right” things, however, you may still find yourself with a dental problem that you need to address.

When this occurs, the key is to address the problem right away.  Small problems found early typically never get to be big problems.  If you go to the dentist regularly, he or she can detect signs of decay or cavities at early stages that can then be treated.  If treated promptly, no further problems usually result.   If left or ignored, a simple cavity can result in more widespread decay that can then eventually affect the pulp or nerve in the tooth, potentially resulting in the need for a root canal procedure.

Good oral hygiene and regular trips to the dentist are the best way you can protect yourself against the possibility of needing a root canal treatment.  Many people have suggested natural ways how to prevent root canals, such as increasing the amount of vitamin C consumed or drinking green tea, but there is no scientific evidence to show the effectiveness of any of these natural protective measures.

For more information about root canal procedures, or to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Queens to discuss whether you need root canal treatment, contact Park Dental Care at 718-274-1515.

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