You start to feel pain in your mouth and naturally, like many people, you may begin to panic, wondering if you need a root canal.  It is not always apparent right away whether or not you will need a root canal if you feel pain, but if you know some of the signs of tooth problems, you may be able to avoid the need for a root canal by taking care of any problems with your teeth before they require the procedure.

Before you can determine if you need a root canal procedure, it is best to understand what the treatment entails and why it is typically performed.  Root canals are used to try to save a tooth if it is badly infected, or if has become extremely decayed, beyond the point that a dental filling can remove and halt the decay.  The procedure involves removal of the nerve, as well as the pulp inside of the tooth, either in part or completely.  The pulp is the soft material inside the tooth and the nerves of the tooth are located within this area, called the root canal.  Once removed, the inside of the tooth is completely cleaned out and sealed to prevent further damage or the spread of infection.

Most problems that eventually result in the need for root canal procedures, if addressed early, may make it unnecessary for the procedure to be required at a later point.  If you notice any type of pain or irritation, notice a crack or chip in your tooth, or have experienced any type of trauma to a tooth or the face, it is best to visit a dentist right away so he or she can determine the cause of the problem.  If damage or decay is caught early, there may be ways to address the problem before it gets serious enough to require a root canal procedure.

Root Canal

Root Canal Procedures

Not only should you visit the dentist if you experience pain, notice a crack, or if you have been the victim of facial trauma, but the best way to avoid the potential need for a root canal procedure is to stick to a regular schedule of dental visits, preferably every six months.  Doing so will keep your teeth at their healthiest and will also provide the dentist with an opportunity to discover potential problems with the teeth before they become too serious.  This can occur through routine dental exams, as well as with the addition of regularly scheduled dental x-rays.

If you do experience decay or damage that affects the pulp or nerve within the root canal or pulp chamber, it is important to address the problem swiftly.  This is because the decay can result in the growth of bacteria that causes infection, and if left untreated, may result in an abscess.  If this occurs, not only will you experience severe toothache pain, but you may also experience temperature sensitivity, swelling in the gums and face, and other symptoms that indicate a serious problem.

There are times that you may need a root canal and not even know it because you are not experiencing any symptoms, or the symptoms may be mild, but most of the time, you feel enough pain or discomfort to alert you that something is wrong.  When that happens, it is important to get to a dentist and have him or her take care of the problem promptly.   Infection left untreated in the root canal or pulp chamber of the tooth can lead to far more serious problems if ignored.

For more information about root canals in Queens, NY contact Park Dental Care at 718-274-1515.

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