Common Dental Problems In Seniors

Seniors face a number of potential dental problems due to the overall effects of aging on dental health.  Some of the more common dental problems in seniors that occur can be diminished or avoided with proper dental hygiene throughout life, accompanied by professional dental services.  Unfortunately, many patients don’t receive the dental care they need or don’t maintain strict dental hygiene regimens – or even if they do, they still face certain dental issues as seniors that are hard to avoid.

At Park Dental Care, we handle a wide variety of common dental problems in seniors in our Astoria family dental office, in addition to improving the dental health of patients of all ages so that they do not experience serious dental issues when they age.  Nevertheless, there are certain common dental problems that seniors should be aware of and should seek treatment for.  Below are some of the most common dental issues that seniors encounter.

Common Dental Problems In Seniors

  • Tooth Decay – One of the most fundamental dental problems in seniors is tooth decay.  This is a sometimes unavoidable occurrence following years and years of use, accompanied by years and years of teeth being exposed to plaque, tartar and bacteria.  Tooth decay in seniors can be as simple as a small cavity or as extensive as complete tooth loss.  There are many dental treatments that help to halt tooth decay, as well as to address the common results that arise from tooth decay.  These include options such as dental fillings, crowns, bonding and porcelain veneers that improve the look of decayed teeth.
  • Gum Disease – Many seniors experience gum disease in various levels of severity.  This is a common dental problem in seniors that occurs due to changes in physiology, as well as due to prolonged exposure to common culprits that negatively affect gums, such as bacteria.  The best way to combat gum disease as a senior is to practice impeccable dental hygiene throughout your life, including daily brushing and flossing combined with professional dental cleanings.  If you do suffer from some form of gum disease, we offer a number of treatment options to improve the health of your gums and the soft tissue within your mouth.
  • Dry Mouth – Due to aging salivary glands, many seniors experience some level of dry mouth.  While this isn’t a serious senior dental issue, it can still be an annoying one.  The best recommendation for combating dry mouth is to drink plenty of water to keep your body well hydrated and to keep your mouth moist.  If you find that swishing water around your mouth helps the sensation of dry mouth, you may want to use lukewarm water rather than cold water, especially if your teeth are sensitive to cold temperatures.
  • Tooth Loss – The most serious dental problems in seniors can result in tooth loss.  Losing teeth is a major issue and is often the result of extensive tooth decay or gum disease.  Seniors who lose teeth not only face cosmetic dental issues, but functional problems as well, since lost teeth can affect eating, speaking and smiling.  Park Dental Care of Astoria offers advanced treatments for tooth loss, including dental implants, dental bridges and dentures.

If you experience any of these dental problems commonly found in seniors, we encourage you to speak with a member of the Park Dental Care staff.  During a consultation in our Astoria dental office, we can review the extent of your dental issues and can recommend the appropriate treatment options to handle any of your senior dental problems. Call 718-Dentist today!


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