Your smile leads the way when entering a room, so you want to make sure that your pearly whites are shining bright.  Since discolored and misshaped teeth can put a damper on your grand entrance, maybe it’s time to consider Lumineers®. 

Lumineers Will Restore Your Teeth

Lumineers are a safe, painless and highly effective way to hide discoloration, close gaps between teeth, correct chipped or cracked teeth, and give the appearance of straighter teeth. They are similar to traditional porcelain veneers but their ultra-thin formulation makes it possible to adhere them without having to grind down the natural tooth surface before application.  They are made out of Cerinate® porcelain, which is exceptionally strong and is what allows these veneers to be so thin.

Since grinding down the natural teeth is not required, the process is pain-free and should only take two dental visits to complete.  An additional benefit is that the procedure is completely reversible since the natural tooth is left strong and intact.

A mold of your teeth is made during your initial office visit before your dentist chooses the veneer color that is right for you. The mold is then sent to the lab for custom creation. There is no need to wear temporaries since your teeth have not been altered during the process. Your custom Lumineers are then checked for fit and shade by your dental professional before your next visit when they are applied.  Since the procedure requires no drilling, grinding or anesthetic shots, you will be able to walk out of your dentist’s office smiling brightly, with no recovery or down-time needed.

This cosmetic dental option is perfect for:

Correcting Tooth Discoloration – Made from a thin layer of porcelain which effectively covers the outfacing tooth’s surface, stains and yellowing can easily be concealed with this simple application.  Since Lumineers resist staining and last up to 20 years with proper care, the procedure can be a great alternative to traditional teeth whitening treatments.  Keep in mind that since only a thin layer will be applied to each tooth, this treatment may not be appropriate for severe cases of discoloration.  Speak to your dentist to see if this treatment is right for you.

Re-Shaping Teeth – For patients who have small or irregularly shaped teeth, the procedure can effortlessly create the appearance of larger, more uniform teeth and create a more dazzling smile.  Placed over your natural teeth, chips, cracks, and even gaps can be concealed with ease.

Straightening Teeth – Lumineers offer an alternative to braces in cases where the overall misalignment is not severe.  Although the number of adults that choose to wear braces in today’s age has risen due to more comfortable and less visible options, the process of aligning your teeth via braces will still take much longer than you may be ready to endure.  Traditional braces can be painful and restrictive, while this cosmetic option offers transformation without the pain, suffering or lengthy process of orthodontics.  The procedure is meant for cosmetic purposes only, so speak to your dental professional about the cause of shifting teeth before starting the procedure.

Lumineers are versatile in the quest for the perfect smile and provide patients with the opportunity to show off those pearly whites with pride in just a few office visits.  If you are tired of being embarrassed by your less-than-perfect smile, speak to your dentist about this convenient and attractive cosmetic dental treatment option today.

For more information about Lumineers, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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