Periodontists specialize in the treatment of periodontal disease, also known more commonly as gum disease.  While no one wants to have to visit this type of dental specialist, there are situations that warrant treatment by a professional who specializes in advanced treatment of the gums.  Since a trip to the periodontist usually is necessitated by moderate to severe gum disease, we’ve put together some tips to help you keep your gums as healthy as possible so you can avoid having to make this trip.

One of the best ways to keep gums healthy is to follow a regular routine of stringent oral hygiene.  This is recommended for healthy teeth, but also does its part in keeping your gums as healthy as possible.  There is nothing new about this advice.  Teeth should be brushed at least twice per day, for approximately two minutes or more per brushing.  Flossing should also occur daily to remove debris, food particles, plaque and bacteria that can become stuck between teeth and gums.  In fact, not sticking to a regular routine of daily flossing can be one of the biggest contributors to the ever-increasing incidence of gum disease seen in our country.

In addition to routine oral care at home, it is important to visit a dentist regularly.  The typical recommendation is for twice-per-year visits, although if you are exhibiting signs of gum disease, your dentist may recommend that you come a bit more often to try to keep the problem in check so you don’t need to use the services of a periodontist.  During these preventative visits, your teeth will be professionally cleaned, which will help to keep your teeth and gums healthy.  It is also a good time for your dentist to evaluate any potential issues with your oral health, including tooth decay or worsening gum disease.

Other culprits that can lead to the worsening of gum disease include things like smoking and simply luck of the draw – some people are prone to gum problems no matter how vigilant they may be about their oral health, while others who are not as vigilant may have no issues at all with the health of their gums.

If your dentist notices that your gum disease is progressing, he or she is likely to recommend that you have a consultation with a specialist.  During this visit, the periodontist can assess the severity of your gum issues and can recommend steps that can be taken to halt progression of the disease.  Techniques such as root planing and scaling may be recommended, as well as other procedures such as crown lengthening.  If tooth loss occurs due to severe gum issues, you may also be a candidate for dental implants or another type of tooth restoration option.

No one likes to make a trip to the periodontist, and one of the best ways to avoid this possibility is to do your part in keeping your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.

If you are in need of periodontal treatment, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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