While no one likes to have to have a tooth filled, it’s a necessary part of keeping your teeth healthy if there is decay found in a tooth.  A dental filling is used to replace an area of natural tooth structure that is decayed and needs to be removed in order to keep a tooth strong. 

By keeping up with routine visits to the dentist, it is easier for the dentist to notice signs of minor decay that can be addressed by removing the decay and then filling the area of removed decay.  If the area of decay becomes larger or deeper before something is finally done about it (usually because you then start to feel pain), you may need to have much more extensive dental work done by that time since more of the tooth structure is compromised.

Dental fillings are extremely common and are a relatively routine procedure.  Your dentist will first confirm that a filing is needed through use of an x-ray and may also probe the tooth to gauge the extent of the decay.  Once confirmed, the filling procedure will begin (either in the same appointment or at a later appointment).  During this procedure, the area of your mouth where the dentist will be working will usually be numbed using a local anesthetic.  This is done using a needle filled with the anesthetic, although some dentists will first rub a topical gel on the gums so that the needle causes no pain.

After the anesthetic has had a chance to work, the dentist will use a dental drill or laser to remove the decayed portion of the tooth.  You should not feel anything while he or she is doing this since the anesthetic should be working.  After removing the decayed tooth material, the remaining cavity is cleaned out and then is filled.

Dental fillings are available in a variety of different materials.  For many years, the most common filling material was silver amalgam.  However, today’s dentists are encouraging patients to opt for tooth-colored fillings, made from a composite or porcelain material.  This option offers a number of benefits to patients.  For one, the material can be matched to the natural tooth color so that once the tooth is filled, the filling is virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding tooth.  This provides a much more aesthetically-pleasing result.

Tooth-colored fillings are also strong and durable and are less prone to small cracks and fissures than their silver amalgam counterparts.  This is important because if a filling material has even tiny fissures in it, bacteria and debris can get in, leading to further decay in the tooth and resulting in more serious dental problems.  Another benefit of a composite or porcelain material over silver amalgam is that silver amalgam has been shown to contain trace amounts of mercury, while other options do not have this issue.

Getting a tooth filled at the dentist is a relatively easy and minor procedure that should be met with minimal discomfort.  The entire procedure generally takes an hour or less and once completed, should require no specialized care.  You may want to avoid eating hard objects for awhile where your dental filling resides, but other than that, you will just need to maintain the same level of care and hygiene as you would do to keep any other tooth healthy.

For more information about dental fillings or to schedule an appointment, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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