Dental crowns are a common dental treatment option used to repair or restore damaged teeth.  If you’ve been wondering why you might need this type of dental procedure, you’ve come to the right place.  We’re going to share with you some of the most common reasons that dentists recommend that their patients have this type of procedure.

Dental Crowns Repair Damaged Teeth

For starters, it’s important to understand what a dental crown is.  A crown serves as a replacement for the outer portion of a tooth and in effect leaves you with a tooth that looks as natural as if your complete tooth was still in your mouth.  Many people refer to crowns as caps since what they do in essence is cap a portion of your tooth to make it look and function as if it were whole.

One of the keys to determining if a crown is the right procedure for you is to first determine if there is a healthy portion of your natural tooth to serve as the base for the crown.  If this is the case, then crowns are often the treatment of choice to improve the strength, function and looks of your otherwise less-than-perfect tooth.  If, on the other hand, you are missing a tooth or your tooth needs to be pulled because it is beyond being able to be successfully restored, then you will require another type of dental procedure, such as a bridge or implant.

So, when might you find yourself needing a dental crown?

In many cases, this treatment option is recommended if there is a great deal of decay in your tooth – more than can effectively be repaired with a simple filling.  If the area of decay is too great, a filling will not provide adequate strength for the tooth to function properly.  In this case, it is preferable for your dentist to remove the decayed portion of the tooth completely and to cover the existing tooth with a crown to provide the strength, functionality and aesthetic benefits of a natural tooth.

In addition to extensive decay, other types of damage can also warrant this type of procedure.  If your tooth is cracked or chipped in such a way that some basic bonding can’t repair, a crown can cover the damage and provide you with a strong, functional and damage-free tooth.

Improving the appearance of teeth is another common reason why people opt for dental crowns.  For example, if your teeth are discolored and are cannot be improved by a whitening procedure or they need to be reshaped or otherwise enhanced, then having the tooth covered with a crown can be one of the best ways to enhance the tooth’s appearance.

There are many reasons why dentists recommend dental crown procedures and if you are unsure whether this procedure is right for you, it is best to discuss the option with your dentist.

For more information about dental crowns or to schedule an appointment for a dental crown procedure, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515. 

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