How Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Can Enhance Your Smile

There is no denying it – a smile is absolutely contagious. So why not be fully prepared for the moment when your mouth curls up, exposing your, hopefully, pearly whites? Cosmetic dentistry procedures offer the opportunity to correct flaws and perfect your smile. In a place as crowded as New York City, you are bound to smile for any number of people, so you may want to consider improving your smile.

There are a number of useful, commonly performed and relatively simple cosmetic dental options available for those who are interested in improving their smile. Whether you want a brighter smile or straighter teeth, there is a procedure to help you. Some procedures allow patients to improve their smile by adding dental material through porcelain veneers or crowns, while other approaches utilize dental bonding that can shape a patient’s teeth. Or, perhaps, your smile lacks that extra shimmer and shine; tooth whitening could be the perfect solution.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures have a number of attractive benefits, including a healthier appearance and an overall more confident persona. However, one of the most appealing is the potential to reverse the signs of the aging process. A beautiful and vibrant smile offers a youthful glow that can shave years off a person’s appearance. The results from these procedures are typically difficult to achieve with alternatives, such as take-home whitening kits, that can be both time consuming and much less effective. Furthermore, the results of cosmetic dentistry procedures performed in a dentist’s office are often substantially more noticeable. With a wide variety of treatment options available, a great smile is conveniently available, right here in New York City.

The cost of cosmetic dentistry depends upon the procedure performed and the amount of work necessary to achieve ideal results. Still, the costs are typically fairly affordable and procedures are available for those with different budgets. An accurate price assessment can be made with a simple consultation visit with your dentist.  Furthermore, after the procedure is completed, it is important that patients maintain healthy habits and avoid damaging practices, such as staining beverages after a tooth whitening procedure, in order to ensure long-lasting results. Some procedures are more expensive than others. Still, the costs incurred are very well worth it. A vivacious smile can improve your confidence and may help you succeed in many facets of your life.

Lastly, it is important to be familiar with the potential risks and side effects involved with your chosen procedure.  The risks involved depend upon the procedure, and normally vary with complexity. The risks associated with a more involved procedure, such as a tooth replacement, consist of the potential for swelling or infection following the surgery. On the other hand, a more simple procedure, such as tooth whitening, can possibly lead to an increased sensitivity in a patient’s teeth and local tissue. However, do not be overly concerned, since the dentist will undoubtedly take many important precautionary safety measures to reduce side effects and minimize risks.

For more information about cosmetic dentistry procedures in New York City, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist. At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we can help perfect patients’ smiles with our various cosmetic dental treatment options. New York residents, as well as those located throughout metropolitan NYC, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station. Let us show you how a flawless smile can help you be more confident!


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