Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces:  Which Is Right For You?

One of the keys to a beautiful smile is a set of straight, well-aligned teeth.  Up until recently, however, the drawbacks associated with traditional braces kept many people from realizing their dream of straighter teeth.   Fortunately, Invisalign now offers options for straightening teeth that eliminate many of the features connected with traditional metal braces that kept people in the past from pursuing this orthodontic treatment.  With Invisalign, both adults and teens alike can enjoy straighter teeth with fewer drawbacks to contend with during the process.

Deciding whether Invisalign is a better option for you in comparison with traditional metal braces is a personal decision.  Many adults opt for Invisalign for aesthetic reasons alone.  The Invisalign system is comprised of a series of clear plastic aligners that fit snugly over teeth to gently move them into the desired position, but that are barely visible to others.  Metal braces, in contrast, perform the same function and have a similar end-result, but during the process, they are a very obvious “addition” to the mouth.  For teens, this may not be an issue, since so many of their friends are also wearing braces and the process can be like a “rite of passage”, but for adults, metal braces are less common and adults are typically more self conscious about wearing them.

Comfort is another consideration in deciding between Invisalign and metal braces.  Invisalign’s clear aligners are smooth and cause little to no irritation to surrounding gums or the inside of the mouth.  Metal braces, in contrast, can sometimes be irritating or even painful as edges of the metal rub against soft tissue and surfaces in the mouth.  Also, since traditional braces require more frequent trips to the orthodontist to have bands tightened, twisted and so on, there is more soreness and pain associated with the actual process of straightening the teeth than Invisalign.  The clear aligners can cause some minimal soreness when a new set is first put in the mouth as teeth shift to accommodate the new aligners, but that soreness dissipates quickly and is less uncomfortable than having a set of hands periodically adjusting things in your mouth.

Invisalign also provides patients with an orthodontic solution that requires less of a time commitment than metal braces.  There are fewer office visits required and less work to be done during the straightening process.  The Invisalign System system creates a set of aligners that bring your teeth from their current state to their desired state based on a computer generated program, and other than a few periodic visits to check how the process is going, you will receive your full set of aligners up front and will not need to keep running back to the dentist or orthodontist for additional treatments.

Easier oral hygiene is another benefit of Invisalign compared with metal braces.  Since the plastic aligners are removable, it is easier to keep to a regular oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing.  Also, since the aligners are removed before eating or drinking, less food gets stuck between teeth, avoiding potential dental issues.  And since the aligners are removed when eating, there are no restrictions as to what can be eaten as there are with metal braces (certain foods can cause damage to the metal components).

Of course, for some, price is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to how they will straighten their teeth.  In this category, metal braces usually win out slightly over Invisalign.  Nevertheless, the benefits of opting for Invisalign braces over traditional metal braces often offset the difference in cost for many people, making it an increasingly popular orthodontic treatment option for adults and teens alike.

For more information about the differences between traditional metal braces or Invisalign, or to find a dentist experienced in Invisalign in Queens, NY, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentsit.  At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we offer many cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic dentistry options, including the increasingly popular Invisalign braces.  Queens residents, as well as those located throughout metropolitan NYC, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station.  Let us show you how Invisalign clear braces can help you create the smile of your dreams!


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