Orthodontics – The Correction of Teeth Irregularities

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents and corrects irregularities of the teeth and jaw that occur as a result of a bad bite, missing or additional teeth, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, an overbite or underbite, a misaligned jaw or a disorder of the jaw joint. Braces, the most typical of orthodontic treatments, serve to enhance the teeth’s function as well as the appearance of the individual who has undergone treatment.

Orthodontics Queens NY


Orthodontic irregularities in patients in the NY metropolitan area, as well as elsewhere, are usually treated with braces, which are composed of wires and springs that are attached to small metal plates cemented onto the teeth or a mold made from plastic that sits over the teeth most commonly Invisalign. These gently force the teeth in a certain position, encouraging them to adopt a specific alignment. Traditional metal braces are often used on children and teens, as their teeth are in the ending stages of the growing phase. Adult orthodontics are available as well, however treatment may take longer to complete and many adults prefer alternative options to traditional braces that are less noticeable.

During an initial consultation, an orthodontist will assess an individual’s teeth correction needs, will take photos and impressions, and will discuss with a patient the best course of treatment, explaining the pros and cons of fixed or removable braces. Fixed braces are permanent orthodontic fixtures and are the type often worn by children and teens. They are only removed once the treatment period has come to an end. Removable braces can be removed during eating and teeth cleaning but are worn the majority of the time. An example of these types of braces is the Invisalign system of clear plastic aligners.

There are main two stages of orthodontic treatment – the active phase and the retention phase. The active phase involves the use of braces or aligners to alter the alignment of the teeth. The retention phase involves the use of a retainer to ensure that the teeth that have been forced into their new position remain in the desired position.

Treatment by an orthodontist can have many long-term benefits. Properly aligned teeth are much easier to maintain and thereby reduce the chances of tooth decay. They can also improve chewing, since individuals with bad bites are not able to chew as efficiently as those with normal bites. Orthodontic treatment can also improve speech; misaligned teeth can result in speaking difficulties. Furthermore, improved tooth alignment can prevent the premature wearing of the surfaces of the back teeth.

There’s no doubt that orthodontic treatment can be sought at just about any age. Treatment for children can be sought when a child reaches around seven years of age, or at least a consultation can be done at this time if it seems like there will be issues with how the child’s permanent teeth come in.  In most cases, actual braces will not be attached to the teeth until the permanent teeth come in.  But, it may be necessary to do some preliminary work prior to that point, such as palette expanders and such, to reduce the problems that may occur when the adult teeth start to erupt.

The pre-teen and teenage years are the most common times to begin orthodontic treatment, since by then all or most of the permanent adult teeth have erupted and re-alignment can begin where necessary. Orthodontic treatment is typically at its most effective at this stage and is most easy for patients to tolerate, since many of a teen’s peers are also undergoing similar treatment at the same time.  It is almost like a “rite of passage” in some locations for teens to sport a full set of metal braces. Adult orthodontic treatments can be more complex and oftentimes, the expertise of several dental professionals must be sought to correct a problem.

The cost of orthodontic treatment in NYC varies depending on a range of factors. These include the type of treatment needed, the severity of the misalignment, the duration of the treatment, and a variety of other factors that can influence price.  Some insurance companies cover a portion or all of the treatment, but not all do so.  It is best to check with your dental insurance provider prior to beginning any treatment to determine your coverage.

For more information about orthodontics in NYC, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist. New York City residents, as well as those located throughout the metropolitan NY area, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station. Let us show you how to achieve a well-aligned set of beautiful teeth to enhance your smile!

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