Perfecting Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

For metropolitan NY residents looking for a flawless smile, porcelain veneers are a great solution for improving the teeth’s appearance.  Veneers are thin shells that are used to conceal chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth.  They are also able to eliminate gaps between teeth and are customized to match individual tooth size and color so that they will blend in with the rest of your teeth.  Porcelain veneers are more natural and stain-resistant than resin veneers, so they are the optimal option for covering damaged teeth.

The application of cosmetic veneers involves three steps.  First, your dentist will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this procedure and determine whether or not this option is advantageous for you.  This may include examining which teeth are in need of enhancement, taking X-rays of your mouth, and making impressions of your teeth.  Once the preliminary oral assessment has been completed, a final decision will be made about which teeth will be covered by the veneers.  Subsequently, your dentist will shave a small amount (roughly .5 mm) of enamel from the tooth’s surface.  This trimming is necessary for the veneer to be placed on the tooth.  While an anesthetic is not required for this procedure, your dentist will offer one to limit any discomfort or anxiety.

Second, after the tooth has been trimmed down, your dentist will make an impression of the tooth in order to meet its exact size and shape specifications.  This model will be used to create a permanent porcelain veneer, which usually takes about 7-14 days.  During this time, a temporary veneer will cover the tooth for protection.  When the permanent covering is ready, your dentist will temporarily place it on your tooth in order to confirm its size, color, and shape.  If necessary, the veneer will be further trimmed for a better fit, and its color can be altered during the cementing process.

Finally, your tooth will be cleaned and etched to ensure a perfect bonding of the veneer to the tooth.  The binding process will be followed by an evaluation of the patient’s bite.  If there is a proper fit, there should be no issues with biting and chewing.  Minor issues with the patient’s bite can be fixed by further adjustments to the veneer.  Porcelain does not irritate gum tissue, so there should be no pain following the procedure.  Your dentist will still schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure that your mouth is successfully adapting to the veneer and to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

In the long-term, porcelain veneers are a great alternative to crowns or bondings for brightening your smile.  Diligent oral care is essential for the veneer’s maintenance, however.  Veneers typically last 5-10 years, at which point they will need to be replaced.  However, proper dental hygiene can extend their lifespan.  Overall, Park Dental Care of Astoria’s procedure to apply porcelain veneers is quick, painless, and effective.

For more information about porcelain veneers in Queens, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist.  At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we can enhance the aesthetic look of patients’ smiles with the addition of porcelain veneers.   Queens residents, as well as those located throughout metropolitan NYC, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station.  Let us show you how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!


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