What is a Root Canal Procedure?

Countless root canal procedures are performed in metropolitan NY and worldwide every year in order to save patients from severe pain, losing teeth, and serious oral health consequences.  But you may be asking yourself: what exactly is a root canal?  Primarily, these procedures are performed to save teeth that are severely decayed or infected.  This occurs when the pulp, or the nerve and blood supply of a tooth, becomes infected.  The progression of this type of infection without treatment could lead to complete tooth loss or more serious decay.  In addition, infection of the pulp is tremendously painful as well as harmful to the body.  Needless to say, if a dentist recommends this treatment, it is not advice that should be taken lightly.

During a root canal procedure, inflamed or infected dental pulp supporting a tooth is removed.  Dental pulp is part of the tooth that includes nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue.  Basically, it is the structure that cements your teeth into the mouth.  Dental pulp can become infected in several ways, the most common being improper dental treatment and hygiene.  Bacteria can invest itself within dental pulp and spark infection.  Without removal, the infected dental pulp will worsen and spread to other areas of the oral cavity.  This progression can lead to complete bone, gum and nerve deterioration, and therefore loss of teeth altogether.

The performance of a root canal procedure may appear alarmingly frightening; after all, it has been touted as the “most painful procedure of modern dentistry”.  However, you do not need to be worried if a dentist recommends this treatment.  During the entire procedure, the patient is provided with anesthesia to virtually eliminate all pain.  Some patients can get through the procedure with just local anesthesia.  For those who experience severe anxiety, however, sleep sedation may also be an option.  Following treatment, the patient may experience mild discomfort as they go through the recovery process, but usually there is no severe pain.  Bottom line: a root canal procedure is no more painful than most other dental practices.

Another issue many have with this treatment is its reliability.  You may have heard of friends who have received root canals that have not worked or failed.  While this failure is a reality, root canal treatments can easily be re-performed and fixed with little to no hassle.  In addition, a dentist can easily prevent failures if they take necessary precautions, such as thoroughly checking for missed canals and following up on post-treatment leakage.

So, the next time you hear the term root canal, hopefully it won’t provoke feelings of anxiety or confusion.  These procedures are vital to saving your teeth and mouth from excruciating pain and total deterioration.  At Park Dental Care in Astoria, New York, we have professionals who have the experience and skills to perform these treatments and restore your mouth to perfect working condition.  Don’t dismiss pain or infection beneath your teeth.  Call Park Dental Care today to receive treatment that could save your smile.

For more information about root canal procedures in Queens, NY, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist


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