A Snap-On Smile is a cosmetic dental product that can take your smile from bland to grand. If you live in the metropolitan NY area and are suffering from stained teeth, gaps, or an otherwise less than perfect smile, Park Dental Care has the perfect dental solution for you. Snap-On Smile is an effortless and affordable way to acquire the pearly white smile you seek.

Snap-On Smile is made of hi-tech, patented dental resin which makes the removable teeth forms durable yet thin enough to fit over your natural teeth. This product is available for your upper and lower teeth. You can easily eat and drink while wearing the cosmetic dental apparatus, but it is recommended that you avoid chewing gum or eating sticky foods while the appliance is in your mouth.  You can expect a temporary speech adjustment during the first two weeks of wearing your new smile, similar to what occurs when you first wear braces or a retainer. This is completely normal and common among Snap-On Smile patients.

Whether you’re looking for a temporary smile for a special event or a permanent smile improvement, we can meet your needs. Our goal is to remove the hassle from dental procedures and provide you with a smile like the stars without the celebrity budget. All it takes are two pain-free visits to our Astoria, NY office and before you know it, you won’t be able to wipe the smile off your face! Here’s what to expect at the appointments:

1. You choose what teeth style and shade you want and your dentist takes an impression of your teeth.
2. You return for a fitting about three weeks later and leave with a brand new smile.

This cosmetic dental procedure is perfect for people of all ages (even those with sensitive teeth) who want a natural-looking flawless smile without the fuss of shots, drilling, or dental surgery. If you’re dissatisfied with your current smile, unable to get a bridge or implant, or looking for an improvement to your denturesSnap-On Smile is just what the dentist ordered. Your customizable smile restoration is easy to remove and wash and is manufactured to last 3 to 5 years. Visit our dental office in Queens, NY and snap on a smile that can change your life!

For more information about Snap-On Smile in Queens, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist.  At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we can considerably improve patients’ smiles with our innovative dental procedure.   Queens residents, as well as those located throughout metropolitan NYC, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station.  Let us show you how a new smile can help you achieve the look of your dreams!



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