There are quite a few treatment options for replacing missing teeth or teeth that need extraction, and dental implants have become a popular choice.  If you’ve chosen to go ahead with the procedure, your dentist will need to examine the density and condition of your jawbone to evaluate if this surgery is right for you.  Since the screw-like fixture cannot be properly placed into weak or missing bone because it won’t properly integrate, your dental professional may be able to perform bone graft procedures to reinforce and strengthen the jawbone in order to successfully accept the implants if necessary.

Dental Implants And Bone Craft Procedures

Bone loss is a common result of chronic periodontitis and long-term missing teeth.  In the case of a patient who has been edentulous (toothless) for an extended period of time, the bone will eventually atrophy and is also unable to regenerate.  Why does this happen?  A healthy jawbone is generally maintained by the pressure and stimulus of the act of chewing.  When teeth have been removed, also removed is the reoccurring pressure and stimuli to keep the bone healthy.  The bone begins to reabsorb into the body without the necessary inducement.  Believe it or not, approximately 25% of underlying bone is lost in the first year following a tooth extraction if a replacement tooth is not integrated into the jawbone, and the degenerative process continues on from there.

Bone grafts help regenerate bone in areas where bone loss or bone atrophy has occurred.  The grafting procedure entails taking bone from another part of the body and implanting it where the existing bone is weak or missing.  The bone can be taken from another part of your jaw, or in cases where that is not a viable option, it can be taken from a different part of your body entirely, such as your chin or hip.  Some professionals choose to use synthetic bone instead of natural bone because of its easy availability, sterility and because it offers a lower risks of infection.  The process is much easier on the patient when using synthetic materials, since it requires less surgical time and is less painful.

Even for patients who are not considering dental implant surgery for an extracted tooth or series of teeth, bone grafting can help preserve the shape and strength of the jawbone.  It is important for the health of the teeth surrounding the extraction site and for the success of future dental treatments including implant or bridge placement.  Retaining the natural shape of the jaw will also help keep the natural shape of your facial features, reducing a sunken appearance.

After the bone is embedded into the appropriate area, the graft will strengthen the bone while promoting new natural bone growth.  It can take several months for the transplanted bone to generate enough new bone to support an implant.  However, if you only require minor bone grafting, it may be able to be done at the same time as the implant surgery. The procedure you’ll need will depend on the condition of your bone and the amount of bone loss.  There are many good reasons to replace lost bone and encourage natural bone growth.  Speak to your dental professional about the procedure that’s right for you.

For more information about the benefits of bone grafting, contact Park Dental Care in Astoria, Queens at 718-274-1515.

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