Long gone are the days of being called metal mouth in the school yard.  Today, getting braces is basically considered a rite of passage for kids.  For many kids, it signifies that they have already lost all of their baby teeth and that their teenage years are not too far away. Of course, the purpose of orthodontics is to straighten teeth, adjust an under- or over-bite, and correct overcrowding, and is not particularly to make a fashion statement – that’s just a plus that comes along with undertaking the goal of a perfect smile.

Orthodontic Treatment For Children

There is no precise age for a child to start orthodontic treatment.  Children as young as six years old can benefit from an early visit to the orthodontist.  And of course, there is no age limit when it comes to a healthy and properly functioning set of teeth.  Adults in their 40’s and 50’s are taking the advantage of the opportunity now that they didn’t have before.  Many professionals recommend that kids should schedule a check-up once their permanent teeth start to come in.  This is when issues begin to become apparent.  That’s not to say that the child will be ready for braces at this age, but they will start to reveal potential issues such as an uneven bite or overcrowding, providing the doctor with the necessary information to start planning for future treatment options.

Whether your child needs orthodontic care or not, very often you will repeatedly hear that they “want them – everyone else has them!” Technological advancements have made braces fun and exciting for kids, making it cool to be part of the new fashion-forward crowd.  In years past, there were not many fashionable alternatives for such appliances – a mouth full of silver metal was the only option available.  Today, there are all kinds of fun ways to customize your child’s orthodontic treatment to assure that they are fun, unique and fit their style to a tee.

The main components to the appliance are the brackets, bands, wires, elastics and ligatures.  Brackets are the small squares that are bonded to each tooth (or are attached to orthodontic bands). These brackets can be metal as in the traditional style, or they can be clear for those who want the focus to be on the fun stuff.   The ligatures are the tiny rubber bands that are used to affix the arch wire to the brackets and they come in a large variety of colors.  These little rubber bands can be easily changed to show your child’s creativity and personality.  They may want a rainbow of color to show their adventurous side, or their school colors to show support at the big game, or they may even choose to change it up at holiday time…red and green in December; red, white, and blue in July; or even orange and black in October!

Once the brackets, wires and bands are on, your child will have to visit the orthodontist every few weeks for monitoring and adjustments. This is a great time to switch things up and go for the next color combination.  The length of time your child will need to wear braces will depend on the dental issues being addressed.  The average is about two years before a retainer is typically provided to prevent the teeth from shifting out of alignment. The time will fly by with such a variety of colors options to try out, and before you know it, your child will be showing off nothing but their straighter new smile.

For more information about orthodontic treatment options, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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