Missing teeth can surely ruin your smile or make you not want to smile at all, especially if you are missing more than one tooth.  There are many treatment options available today to replace teeth, but depending on your preferences and how many teeth you need to replace, it may be best to consider dentures

Consider Dentures To Replace Teeth

Full dentures are used when all teeth are missing along the top or bottom expanse of your mouth, while partial dentures are preferred when several healthy natural teeth remain.  A partial generally resembles a bridge and is commonly made of multiple replacement teeth that are attached to a gum-colored base.  The appliance is then either connected by metal framework or fixed into place via crowns on the teeth on both sides of the empty space. A partial can also be made permanent by affixing it into the jawbone with dental implants.  A partial prosthesis will not only fill the gap created from missing teeth, but will help prevent surrounding teeth from unwanted shifting.

While devices that are fixed in place with implants may be more comfortable and will provide a more natural appearance, all patients are not ideal candidates for a successful implant procedure.  Patients that have been missing teeth for a long period of time, resulting in major bone atrophy, may not be suitable for this type of permanently attached application.  For those who cannot or prefer not to have their appliances permanently attached in their mouths, removable options are also available.

Although removable dentures may take some time to get used to wearing, today’s advanced dental technology allows for a custom prosthesis to be more comfortable and to fit better while offering a natural appearance.  They may feel a little loose or awkward initially, but usually that is just until you get used to them.  It typically takes a few weeks to become accustomed to the new feel and by then you’ll likely start to notice how at ease you’ve become while speaking, eating and laughing.  Your new teeth will eventually feel like a natural part of your mouth.  A new smile can be the best confidence booster and most patients prefer the way they look once the procedure is done.

If you are a denture wearer, proper care and maintenance of your new teeth is important in order to preserve good oral health.  Although it is likely not feasible to remove and rinse the apparatus after each time you eat in order to get rid of food particles that may have become trapped, it is very important to remove your replacement teeth so they can be properly cleaned at least once a day.  It is commonly recommended that the wearer remove the device while sleeping, allowing gum tissue to rest while fostering normal cleansing and gum stimulation by the tongue and saliva.  This is a good time to prepare for the next day’s use by gently brushing the appliance with a nonabrasive cleanser to remove food and plaque (do not use these cleansers in the mouth).

Most removable dental prostheses need to be kept moist to retain their shape properly, which is why you so commonly see the image of a set of teeth sitting in a glass of water on the nightstand.  Speak to your dentist about proper overnight storage of your dentures and whether you should use a soaking solution or not.  Don’t forget to also schedule regular check-ups with your dental professional to periodically ensure proper care and fit of your new pearly whites, as well as to maintain your overall oral health!

For more information about dentures, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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