From the time we were young children, we’ve likely been instructed to brush our teeth every day.  But with the business of our daily lives, it’s sometimes easy to forget the importance of good dental hygiene.  Sure, brushing our teeth is something we all need to do and to many of us, it’s an ingrained habit in our regular routine, but keeping teeth and gums healthy goes beyond simply taking a toothbrush with some toothpaste and water and swishing it back and forth across our teeth.

Optimal Dental Hygiene

Of course, proper tooth brushing is critical to maintaining optimal dental hygiene, but there are other factors that must not be neglected in order to ensure that our oral and overall health remain good.  For one, we must remember that brushing alone is not enough to fully keep teeth clean.  A daily regimen of flossing is also important, since the area between teeth and at the gumline cannot be adequately cleaned with brushing alone.  However, many people who may be vigilant about twice daily brushing find it easy to neglect flossing teeth as recommended.

The importance of dental hygiene is related to gum disease and tooth decay, two of the most common culprits that jeopardize our oral health.  While you may think that getting an occasional cavity filled is no big deal, the fact is that poor oral health can lead to a lot more than just the need for a simple filling.  Gum disease, for example, can lead to tooth loss and has even been linked to serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  Extensive tooth decay can also lead to tooth loss and can even eventually result in the loss of healthy bone structure in the jaw.

For these reasons, and many more, it’s easy to see why a commitment to good dental hygiene is so important.  In addition to what you do at home, such as proper tooth brushing and flossing, it’s also recommended that you visit your dentist twice per year for a preventative dental appointment.  During these appointments, your dentist or oral hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth in a way that you can’t simply do on your own, better ensuring that you thwart any build up of plaque or tartar.  Using professional equipment, this cleaning can get into places that you may not be able to reach yourself and the dental professional can utilize techniques that can remove plaque and tartar that already exists.

Additionally, your routine dental visits provide an opportunity for your dentist to periodically check the health of your teeth and gums, both through visual inspection and using specialized equipment, as well as through the use of x-rays, which can identify problems before they’re even visible to the naked eye.  Even if issues are found with your teeth or gums, the problems can be addressed while they are still small rather than allowing them to turn into more serious problems.

Maintaining vigilance when it comes to proper dental hygiene can do more than help you prevent cavities.  It can keep your gums healthy, can prevent bone loss in your jaw and can even potentially keep you healthier overall.

For more information about our dental hygiene recommendations or to schedule an appointment for a dental hygiene visit, call Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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